Pink Shirt Day 2022

FEBRUARY 9, 2022 -- The nationally recognized Pink Shirt Day occurs on the last Wednesday of February every year. This year, that date falls during the Family Week break. As such, the Ministry of Education has declared Wednesday, February 16, 2022 as Pink Shirt Day in Saskatchewan.

Update to COVID Reporting

January 28, 2022 -- The attached letter from the Director of Education will be sent to all school families today. It is in response to changes announced by the Government of Saskatchewan related to self-isolation and close-contact protocols.

Read the letter here and/or below.

January 28, 2022

Dear school families:

Text Sent to School Families

January 17, 2022 -- Did you receive this message? It is legitimate. Parents/guardians and emergency contacts of Regina Public Schools students may receive this text message to voluntarily opt in for the family communication (text) system. Text messages are only used for urgent communication to families.

We apologize for not providing any prior notice. We just learned that a recent coding change to our information system triggered these texts. Although mostly new families will receive them, others who had previously opted in for the urgent text communication notices may also receive them.

Opting in is completely voluntary. Thank you for your understanding.

Family Literacy Day/Week 2022

JANUARY 14, 2022 -- The Government of Saskatchewan has proclaimed January 27, 2022, as Family Literacy Day and January 23 to 29, 2022, as Family Literacy Week in Saskatchewan. The week provides opportunities for communities, libraries, schools and other organizations to plan events that raise awareness about the importance of family literacy. Parents with literacy skills support children to acquire literacy skills, contributing to strong families and strong communities.

How We Report Cases of COVID-19

January 11, 2022 -- Regina Public Schools communicates incidents of cases of COVID-19 in schools. The school division also reports if a classroom has moved to remote learning. The school division does not currently report on individual case numbers in schools.

Why the changes?

We used to report case numbers. In 2021, individual cases, whether they were in students or adults, were officially announced and provided by Saskatchewan Health Authority. That is no longer the case. As of the return to classes on January 4, 2022, Regina Public Schools relies on notification of cases from parents, guardians, students and staff members. They have been asked to self-report to their schools/workplaces.

School Families Letter

January 3, 2022 -- Happy New Year! Classes will resume as planned on Tuesday, January 4, 2022.  The Saskatchewan Health Authority has confirmed that schools can return to in-class learning following the break, with continued safety measures in place. In preparation, we encourage all school families to complete an at-home rapid test prior to the return to school. Most families will have had access to these tests through schools.